Laborists are OB/GYNs who work a set schedule that gives our pregnant patients 24/7 medical coverage. Laborists ensure our expectant mothers get the highest level of care during this important time. They deliver babies around the clock and tend to medical emergencies in every trimester.
Laborist programs are recognized by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists for increasing patient safety.
Laborist Program FAQ
Will my OB/GYN deliver my baby or will a laborist?
Your obstetrician will make the effort to attend your labor and delivery, but unfortunately, deliveries often cannot be planned. If you begin going into labor and your doctor is unavailable, you can rely on our team of board-certified OB/GYNs to perform the delivery. You should go to your own trusted OB/GYN for your postnatal care and coordination of services such as pediatrics and lactation counseling.
Can a laborist handle a high-risk delivery?
Yes. Laborists are board-certified OB/GYNs. They are on the hospital premises 24/7 and have extensive training in high-risk deliveries such as C-sections, VBAC, and delivering multiples.
Expecting a baby? Register for our next Expectant Parents Class with an Ogden Clinic Pediatrician. The class is FREE and includes take-home resources.