Did you know vasectomy ranks as the #1 form of permanent birth control when you consider convenience and efficacy? It’s more convenient than a tubal ...
Sharing a bed with your partner is a window into our deepest vulnerabilities and how we look to our relationships to feel safe. There’s a lot of ...
What was easy to do at 25 is certainly not the case at 45. When it comes to energy, mood, and lifestyle, most men feel the decline as they age. Some ...
Flexible spending accounts (FSAs) are subject to the Internal Revenue Service’s use-it-or-lose-it rule, meaning any unused funds in your account at ...
Rosacea is a skin condition that affects more than 16 million Americans. For many people, rosacea causes more than just facial flushing and redness. ...
Since they were first identified as therapeutic agents in 2005, glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists, or GLP-1s, have evolved into a medical ...
Dry needling might sound painful, but it is far from it. This minimally-invasive technique has been around for many decades, providing relief with ...
Are you one of the millions of Americans with back pain? For some, the pain radiates down the leg or up the shoulder. Others have a knot they can ...
Ramping up our activities in the summer comes with an increased risk for injury. You may have wondered "Is this serious enough to go to the doctor?" ...
There's a big piece of healthcare that's missing from many clinical models: Mental Health. More than one in five US adults lives with a mental illness ...
Dizziness is a feeling we’ve all had from time to time. Although it’s incredibly common, dizziness can also indicate a serious problem when it’s ...
A 2023 study analyzed data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and showed that Utah has had the second-highest jump in sexually-transmitted ...